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First of all, we reached the next goal!

I never would’ve thought that we would reach this goal someday but here we are! Getting 600€ each month takes a huuuuge weight off my back, I mean with the little money I get from other things it’s almost enough to pay for everything monthly. I mean…wow!

As I already said in previous posts I SUCK at conveying feelings but thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Your support means the world to me and I glad that my art is somewhat good enough to be supported by 268 people (counting the 1 subscriber on SubscribeStar as well XD)

First “change” – Poll sharing with SubscribeStar supporters

Speaking of SubscribeStar. Just another support platform in case I get a mail from Patreon again demanding the deletion of certain posts. I am fine since over a year, so I hope I do everything right in their eyes lol STILL I just want to be prepared in advance else I might regret it later.

Back to the actual topic? Yes please! Well just a quick explanation what I mean with Poll sharing.

Both my support platforms are in sync now after I imported over 180 posts, means I post polls on both platforms at the same time. After we reach the deadline I screenshot all the poll results and calculate the final results.

This in this case would be only the result of the Patreon polls due to no members in the Poll Tier and Sequence Tier on SubscribeStar.

Next change – A new perk for the Incredible Supporters Tier

I got some feedback from a “Incredible Supporter”…supporter, mentioning that it would be nice if that tier had some kind of perk that doesn’t put a lot of extra stress on me. So the idea we came up with is a

Colored Sketch Poll!

I am deriving from his suggestion though when it comes to the execution, just because I know that Patreon is a bit limited when it comes to polls and I rather keep it small and simple before posting over 20 sketches with a poll attached to it.

So here is a rough schedule for that perk:

1st of the month: I ask Incredible Supporters for one sketch they want to see colored. (Deadline: 3rd of the month)

4th of the month: This segment only happens when there are more than 10 suggestions, I will do a poll for Incredible supporters where the favs get voted. 10 proceed to the colored sketch poll. (Deadline: 7th of the month)

8th of the month: The colored sketch poll gets posted for ALL PATRONS, because he mentioned that it would be fun to get all the Patrons interacting on this one. The top three of this one will get colored. (Deadline: 11th of the month)

Important! The picks that didn’t win on that colored sketch poll get another chance, means they automatically will get added to the next “Incredible Supporters” poll where 10 sketches get decided. That doesn’t mean that it would “clog” this Patrons suggestion slot though, they can suggest a new sketch each month, means that Patrons who didn’t win the poll that time have a higher chance of getting more suggestions in the final round next time.

Important to note is, that these loosing suggestions only get one more chance, after that they are gone for good (else I would have an ever growing list of sketch suggestions)

Maybe a “future change” – Sketch Tier Price

Because I don’t want to deal with it right now after setting up a new site and getting used to a few different things I consider it a “future change”.

Patreon always states that the tier price should reflect the effort you put into that reward if it’s something you have to create extra for that tier. In this case I was underselling myself with the Sketch Tier which was running at a 7$ price at first.

Some quick math: 5,78€, it’s better now, but the new price of 7€ wasn’t forced onto my Patrons because they still could decide if they would accept it or not.

It roughly takes an hour or a bit more to do one sketch if I am hyper-focused. Minimum wage in Germany is 9,60€ per hour.

And that doesn’t count in the years of experience and the extra perk to get all the other stuff from the other tiers.

I am not sure right now what the new price will be and I happily would hear your feedback on that matter, it’s something I want to fix in the future, not right now ^^

I don't want to sound money-hungry but it's always kinda frustrating working on a sketchdump for 10-12 hours with a "70€ paycheck" (or less because not many accepted the new price, and I don't blame them XD)

Aaaaand that’s it! Thank you all for listening and if you didn’t understand a thing or two let me know in the comments! I am still learning to convey stuff efficiently in English so please let me know if something’s off ^^

Have a nice day everyone,



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