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This post gets updated once anything becomes available or changes

Current update: A new suggestion thread is up! :)


Hey there!

It's been a while since the last public release so I hope I'm still doing this right. Besides that there are a few more things attached to this release than last time.

First of all thank you all for supporting me thus far, it's been a great journey so far and I hope I can continue doing what I love for you to enjoy.

In case you are new to my Patreon let me explain real quick what your perks are regarding this comic release.

WIP-Tier Patrons: Get access to the up-to-date viewable version of the comic by clicking the third link above.

Poll-Tier Patrons: Get the right to suggest further changes and story-progressions for the comic and also the right to vote for their favorite ideas out of these suggestions. The winner gets drawn in case this wasn't clear enough lol Besides that you get access to the up-to-date downloadable version of the comic by clicking the last link above.

And please...

...refrain from sharing the links to the folders and please don't pirate the files and upload them elsewhere while they are in Early Access. We are only 6 pages in and I'm already releasing the comic publicly, it's not a Patreon-exclusive comic. To keep it simple, it's free with some Early Access perks attached to it, the only thing my Non-Patrons have to bring to the table is a bit of patience.

I don't want to leave this on a sour note so again, thank you all for supporting my journey thus far and like last time, if you stick around till the end of the comic you'll get featured on my end-credits page :)



I think the links might be bugged, they lead me to a post with a link that leads to no folder


Huh, that's weird I get directed to the google drive folders when I click on them. No idea how to fix that issue :/

Cole jones

Hey I'm having an issue when I click on the drive links it says the document is deleted.


I followed the links myself in a private tab so that I wasn't logged into google. I still could open up the folders with no issues so I have no idea how to help out with that issue. Maybe it's an error on google's end.

