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[Patreon Sequence Poll - Voting Phase]

Finished the page :) Because the image quality always drops when you export files to a .gif I made a "Stillimage" version this time and think about continuing that trend for future pages as well :)

Hope you like the comic so far, I will finish of a side project real quick before continuing my work on the last Reality Rewrite picture and the Ochaco and Izuku project :)

Have a nice day and stay safe,




Cole jones

I do want to ask will timmy be gender bent or will he just become a himbo?


this series will turn him into a woman eventually Cole

Cole jones

Really so anti cosmo will have a harem of bimbos that timmy made by accident and timmy himself or will timmy just become muscular and this backfires on anti cosmo. I personally would prefer timmy just becoming a himbo and anto cosmos plan just backfires on him.


Timmy will turn into Timmantha, that's one of the plot points that is set. There are enough characters in that series that can get himbofied or something else entirely lol I wanted to do some gender transformations again and this is the perfect opportunity for it :)

Cole jones

I was kinda hoping he would become a himbo with a bimbo harem but I guess since anti cosmo is the one to start all this it would make since that timmy would just become a bimbo for him will it work by as timmy turns other people into bimbos he starts turning more and more femine until he becomes a bimbo.