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Poll #2: Dealing with page completion

You got two choices again, this time you can decide if I handle page completion like I did with the last Altering Curse, doing the sketches for all the pages (faster progression) and then completing them afterwards or the way I did it in the "AnyFetish.comic" where I sketched out the pages that dealt with the changes or pathway that got voted and then finish these pages before dealing with the next poll results. (Slower progression)

It's once again your choice :)

I hope I was good enough in describing what I meant to say lol

If you haven't seen the first poll I posted:




I'm confused about the options.


First option: I sketch out all the pages before moving onto doing the lineart, coloring and shading. Second option: I only sketch the pages that deal with the voted changes and finish them afterwards before sketching out the next batch of pages dealing with the next change. Is that a bit more clear?


In the long run how will each choice affect things?


They both take the same amount of time in the end, choice 1 is for people who want to see the full comic faster because it's obvious that I'm much faster when I just sketch the pages and continue with the next batch. After the comic is sketched completely I would continue with completing the pages like I did in the Wakfu Altering Curse. Choice 2 is slower because I have to finish the pages I sketched before I can continue with the next batch, but you get to see the finished pages faster. It's really hard to explain if English isn't your main language lol


No, I'm from Germany. I thought it was obvious due to my typos here and there. My English is pretty good tho, had it over 10 years in school and use it all the time online :)


It is obvious however I don't like to assume things of people.