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Hey there!

I finally made it! I finished last month's backlog! It's 4:44am currently so I try to keep it short.

Thank you all for your incredible support I will update the google drive folder tomorrow!

With that I can finally focus my time on continuing my projects again, I am still busy with decorating and all that jazz but I will try my best to have something for you daily again :)

Big thanks to @NikitaR, @Brandon Blanchard and @Tiratel for suggesting the second Batch :)

Have a nice day everyone and stay safe,


Big thanks to @Metal Gear, @Zoomp, @Adam, @Kalin Dunn and @Kif for pledging for the WIP Tier, @Wirefull for pledging for the Poll Tier, @nirk99 for upgrading to the Poll Tier and @Noah Kolanda and @Dustin Moffit for upgrading to the Sequence Tier! Thanks to the incredible support of you all we managed to pass the 600$ mark which is just too incredible to be true. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Aron



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