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Just a small update in case you haven't seen the updated post.

I added the PDF to the comic folders for WIP Tier Patrons (or above) and Poll Tier Patrons (or above). You can check them out via the usual links on the pinned post:

[Overview Post] 

Unfortunately no progress on any projects today because I spend all day compiling the comic to a PDF, creating a ZIP Folder and uploading that folder on two stores I opened. First one on gumroad and second one on pixivBOOTH. Well and doing some advertisements here and there. Will work on a advertisement post for the comic on all my other platforms besides Patreon (because you already got everything lol)

Tomorrow's my free day and I want to keep it that way, I might do some rough sketches here and there for the Sketch Tier Patrons and message the winners of the Fanart Poll and Sequence Poll.

I heard you loud and clearly on the latest poll I did concerning the revotes. I will handle future tied polls accordingly :)

Hope you all had a nice day and stay safe,


Big thanks to @James Edward, @Cole jones and @legobrak for pledging for the WIP Tier and @Stan fred for pledging for the Poll Tier, your support is very much appreciated and I hope you enjoy the content ^^


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