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The transformations depicted are hapenning in full consent. Every sort of resistence is mere roleplay I depict as a fetish.

Hey there!

Because I saw that Zelda will win the poll I started working on the "painting" one hour before the poll closed. What can I say? I was really Really REALLY motivated for this one and quickly sketched a 10-part sequence with her. Even though it looks like a lot of work it would get done by tomorrow night (if I wouldn't attend a birthday) because painting is waaaay faster than doing the inking and shading. :)

Hope you like it so far, thank you all for voting and see ya tomorrow (or later) with the finished sequence or the last sketch of the sketch tier :)

Have a nice day and stay safe,


Big thanks to @WeissSchneeIsBae for supporting me with the Poll Tier :) It means a lot, I hope you like the content on here, enjoy your stay! ^^



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