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Just wanted to talk to you guys before talking about the changes and additions I am about to make. I got the WIP Tier and the Poll Tier for years now. These were the only tiers I continued to offer after closing down File Tiers, Video Tiers and even a small Commission Tier. I am not making any drastic changes to the existing tiers worry not! The WIP Tier remains completely untouched, the Poll Tier reverts back to it's former form, which means that the right to enter a suggestion to a Patreon Sketchdump is gone.

A quick word regarding this one: The Poll Tier was only for HQ Downloads and the Patreon Fanart originally. As I discovered that working on sketchdumps every now and then was fun I combined the right to suggest sketches with my highest tier. Problem is, that I accept 10 suggestions max and that is extra work without gaining something extra financially. Because of that I will move the right to suggest sketches every month to a limited higher priced tier. I will talk about prices and what you get for every new tier after this foreword.

Even though I don't know if I got anyone willing to spend an extra dollar I am also implementing generous versions of my existing WIP- and Poll Tier. What does generous mean? Well it just means that they are priced a dollar higher than the original ones, no additional rewards, just a way to give a bit more if you want to and still get the rewards for the tier you pledge. Besides that I am also implementing a "Incredible Supporter" tier (name may change, I am not the best in naming tiers ^^;) which is priced the highest of all the new tiers I am adding which also doesn't give any extra reward besides getting featured on my About page on Patreon and in a custom post on my Deviantart front page with a link to their site if they want to ^^.

The last tier I want to add is a tier that will work like the Poll Tier just with a 4 step fully shaded sequence instead of a 2 character fanart. It took me quiet a while till I could settle for a price on this one. It is a fully fledged sequence which would cost around 80€ if it's around the effort I put into the recently released Toph Sequence. The biggest problem I had with finding an adequate price was that it's "luck" based like my monthly fanart. I don't want people spending a lot of hard earned money just to get out at the end of the month with nothing (for that tier in particular, you still get the rewards from almost all the other tiers, the sketch tier is the only exception because that one gets a Patron limit.)

So let's look through everything and the changes I'll make! (Took me long enough)

The WIP Tier

  • Patron limitation: None
  • Price: 2$

Longest existing tier on my site, no changes here! Everything from one month early access for long comics and WIPs for the stuff I'm working on will still be there for you to enjoy :)

NEW! The Generous WIP Tier

  • Patron limitation: None
  • Price: 3$

The same rewards as above! For people who want to support with an extra dollar without losing the rewards for the WIP Tier.

The Poll Tier 

  • Patron limitation: None
  • Price: 4$

The right to suggest sketches will get removed! Besides that everything stays the same!

Updated Schedule:

1st week of the month: Opening the suggestion thread, collecting the suggestions

2nd week of the month: Voting poll gets published and you  can vote for your favorite fanart ideas

3rd-4th week of the month: Drawing of the Poll Winner/Revote if there was a tie

Last day of the month: HQ Downloads for the months content get posted

NEW! The Generous Poll Tier 

  • Patron limitation: None
  • Price: 5$

The same rewards as above!  For people who want to support with an extra dollar without losing the rewards for the Poll Tier.

NEW! The Sketch Tier 

  • Patron limitation: 10 Patrons
  • Price: 7$

This one is a special case. Because the right to suggest sketches got moved from the Poll tier to a completely separate tier with a Patron limitation, people who pledge for this tier will get their sketch guaranteed and as long as they stay in this tier they will get a monthly sketch.

I should also add that it will be a fullbody sketch, not just a sketch of the torso (except you want just a bust/torso sketch)

Schedule for this tier:

1st week of the month: Collecting the sketch suggestions

Remaining month: Drawing the sketch suggestions

NEW! The Sequence Tier 

  • Patron limitation: None
  • Price: 15$

Works like the Poll Tier in terms of suggesting an idea for a monthly sequence at the beginning of the month, voting for your favorite after that with the winner getting drawn at the end of the month. Just to clarify this one: The winner gets a 4-step sequence fully shaded with a simple background (color-gradient rectangle or something else that's very simple)

Schedule for this tier:

1st week of the month: Opening the suggestion thread, collecting the suggestions

2nd week of the month: Voting poll gets published and you  can vote for your favorite fanart ideas

3rd-4th week of the month: Drawing of the Poll Winner/Revote if there was a tie

NEW! Incredible Supporter (Tier) 

  • Patron limitation: None
  • Price: 20$

Yep, this is the final one I thought about. I sure am happy about everyone that supports me! Every dollar helps to keep me fed and take care of stuff I need for living. I appreciate every help I can get, still I saw a lot of other artists including a tier with no extra reward for people that are far too generous. You don't have to pledge for that tier to call yourself an incredible supporter, you all are! But now to the only reward I can offer for that tier: EXPOSURE! (oh no, plz don't) What I mean by that is, that I will feature your name on a custom deviantart front-page post with a link to your website if you want. Besides that I will do the same on my Patreon About page. 


That concludes all the new tiers I am about to add in February, just wanted to let you all know in advance. I am not releasing the tiers now because Patreon charges up front which means you'd have to pay this month and as soon as we are in February you'd have to pay again. What I'll do in the meantime is creating the tiers and making every post of the last two months available to the new tiers that are allowed to view the posts :)

Hope you are alright with the changes and additions I'm about to make. I am all for transparency because of that I wanted to let you know in advance. Besides that: Do you have any questions? If you do please feel free to ask!

Hope you all have a nice day and see ya as soon as a new WIP post is ready,




Good for you man! I know you were struggling with this decision for a while.


when are these being put i, next month?