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Hey there,

Thank you again for your continuing support this month :)

Without further ado: 

It's the time again to suggest something for the fanart poll for this month! I will collect all of them and make a poll a week after this post got published ^^

Suggestions must be single images with a max. of 2 characters (with exceptions when I REALLY like them) :)

It could be anything and (almost) everything goes, so think about something sexy  or cool or whatever and write me per message or in a comment below what  you would suggest for this months poll :D

Thank you for your continuing support and have a nice day,


Previous poll winning pictures:

[Tracer Bimbofication] 

[Raven and Starfire]  



I'm going with the same suggestion as last time sexyfied Ginny playing with harry either male or female versions of the character


Overwatch: Mercy gets hacked by Sombra and the hack turns her into a horny bimbo slut


How about Pyrrna Niko from rwby getting a bimbo to her body while wearing her armor


I would love to see Ruby reluctantly turned into a Salemified bimbo milf! She could even attempt to sound all goody-goody! lol


Sylvanas receives a power up from the god of deaths...friend. who just so happens to be the god of lactating bimbos. So naturally that's what she becomes.