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File:   [Rough Sketches] 

Hey there,

as I said in yesterday's update post I continued my other projects while I still wait for the commissioner to reply back ^^ I finished the rough sketches for the last page of the "Parallel Universes" comic, some of these are still quite rough they all will look a lot better cleaned up. I always work out my layout and conception as a whole out when I do these rough scribbles.

Hope you enjoy them nonetheless and I hope I can present you the finished sketches for this comic tomorrow. I'll post a poll after I finished them asking all the 4$ Patrons if it should stay in it's sketched state or if I should refine it further ^^

Have a nice day everyone,


A big thank you to @Suplexception for pledging today, it's always great to see some new faces especially when they are longtime friends already! Thanks a lot for the support I hope you enjoy your stay! :D
