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wasn't able to work on something today and got friends over the whole day tomorrow so there may be a shortage of content till Sunday. I still try to get something out for you tomorrow if it doesn't happen I warned you in advance.

I also wanted to inform you that I moved the missing Friday stream to Sunday, so if you want to stop by you can do so at 6pm CEST ^^

On that note: thank your for the massive support I received so far, it's been a blast and is literally changing my life to the better :) I mentioned doing something special for you because we hit 100 patrons (even more now) ^^

The discussion thread will be up tomorrow so you can send in ideas for something and start discussing it ^^

Hope you all enjoyed your stay so far, with some side projects now off of my list I can start working on finishing the sketches for "Parallel Universes" and "The Altering Curse Spinoff 1 - Wakfu". I want to put up polls about how they should get finished as soon as they are out of the sketch phase. I personally want to keep the "Parallel Universes" Comic in it's sketched style while I want to refine the Wakfu comic with lineart or maybe even color as soon as it is sketched completely. As I said I will ask the 4$ Patrons via a poll how the comics will get released when they are finished ^^

On a side note: I will change my goals a bit, means I will reduce Commission spots the more support I receive with Patreon. So in a distant future the content you'll see will just be my own projects (The Altering Curse etc.) and well a lot of it because it's my top priority ^^  I also wanted to overhaul my Patron visually to a later date (custom images for the tiers and goals and some other visual stuff including the banner and the about section). We'll see what I come up with :)

Thanks a lot for reading,

have a nice day,



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