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Hey there,

it's been ages since I had to do a second round for the Fanart Poll ^^ As written in my rules, 2$ Patrons also get the chance to vote on this months Patreon Fanart Poll Winner :)

Because the month is nearing it's end, I'll give you 4 more days to vote again ^^

Besides that, because there are so many suggestions you can choose multiple fanarts ^^

Here are the rules:

1)  Multiple votes per Patron

==>2) If it's a draw, I'll include the 2$ Patrons for the voting. <==

3) If it's still a draw afterwards I'll move the poll over to deviantart and let my watchers decide which of the suggestions gets drawn.

4) Voting ends on the 24th of March 7:30pm CET!

5) The winner of the poll gets contacted after he/she won, to discuss the details of the patreon fanart. If the contacted person doesn't answer in a 2 day timespan, the idea gets dismissed and the second place will get contacted.



I'm curious why People are voting for the RWBY idea considering the LWDY series going on, granted it's been focus on Ruby herself.


I'm not really sure either, but it's probably people seeing something they like and wanting *more*. Ironically That suggestion was made before LWDY was even a WIP