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Sorry again for no updates today and well..yesterday. I got sick, I hoped to get through winter without a cold but well here we go again lol. I try to cure my disease as soon as possible, besides that I'll try to fill a page in my sketchbook with sketches while I'm not in my best XD

Post some Age Progression/Bimbo/Corruption ideas down below and I'll sketch them :D Have fun



I've got two Mavis going full onto her husbands dick and the other is maybe a corruption of trixie and timmantha


Edit age progression of timmi and trixie instead to balance out the two ideas


How about a bimbo complaining about being a bimbo


Maybe Ahsoka Tano being corrupted into a sith slut.


Toaster corrupts teen into mild


Corrupted files turns holly, Kryten, and Rimmer into Bilbo versions of themselves. Lister worried, cat very happy.


How one of this ideas - AP/Bimbo of Mertle caused by Lilo's raygun - AP/Evil Corruption of Lillie or Serena from Pokemon with Ash being their new evil lover - AP/ Corruption of Wendy Marvell from Fairy Tail or just a general AP - AP/Bimbo of Viridi from Kid Icarus - AP/Corruption of Hanabi Hyuga from Naruto

Simon Moody

Jimmy neutron make a ray of growth but it goes wrong make his mom and Cindy in big breasted lovers and make his dad there son jimmy fate i leave up to you. change it how you wish