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As the title already says, in yesterdays upload I told you that I got sick. Today was the day where I got the "tired-phase" where you're constantly broken lol. I tried to work on the shading of the comic page but got tired after just shading the hair of Sakura in the beginning. I will take a break today and try to get better by tomorrow to at least work on the Comic. I know a sickness isn't cured in a day or two, but still I hope to at least feel better tomorrow :)

Sorry for the lack of updates, but that's how it is. ^^

Have a nice day everyone,

Aron :)



Gute Besserung Aron. Ruh dich, dann bist du später wieder richtig fit anstatt nur so halb...


Get well soon ^^


Get well man


Danke! Ich habe ja ein verlängertes Wochende ich denke bis Sonntag wird sich das wieder auskuriert haben. :)