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Hey everyone, 

Jackson here with a little housekeeping about some changes with Sales Tax at Patreon. 

Starting July 1st, Sales Tax is being added to everyone's pledges, at a different rate depending on where you live. We know this sucks (down with sales taxes, up with income taxes) but there's nothing we can do about the change nor how it is implemented.

Patreon, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to delegate communication about the change to individual patreons themselves, so expect to get a bunch of emails about this. I'm gonna do my best to summarise what the changes mean. 

First thing's first, if for most countries in the EU this is already happening and will not change. The new policy only means something different in certain countries. Here's a table of what this should mean:

For our part, our tiers are going to provisionally stay the same. GGP will remain at $1. We literally cannot make it any cheaper in Patreon's system. This means the majority of patrons will be paying ~$1.10 a month rather than $1. Again, sorry about this, there is nothing we can do.

For higher tiers, we're not making any changes immediately - this doesn't go into effect until July - but we want people to reply here to let us know their situation, if this is an issue, and any changes that might help. There are many options, reducing the tiers, radically restructuring the patreon, and we just don't know which ones would be best.

At the moment my what it probably looks like to me is that things will stay the same and we willl just make changes on an individual case by case basis. Which means, for example, if you are on the $10 tier and live in Norway, let us know and we'll make sure you can get Voip Life. Me and Em are poor and our audience are also mostly poor so if this sales tax burdens you such that you can't afford your desired tier just shoot us a message on patreon or discord and we'll work something out.

But that said, we have until July to decide exactly what we're going to do. If that sounds like everyone's preferred approach we'll stick with that, but if you feel strongly any way please either comment here or come to the discord where we'll be discussing this I'm sure a few times before July. Around the end of June I'll message everyone again with a follow up confirming whether any changes will be made.

Thank you for reading, sorry about the bummer news in what is already a shitty time for everyone. And thank you so much for all of your support, however much it is. 



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