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Hey friends, M here. It's time for a new round of suggestions for September's game club. As always, you know the rules: nothing less than a year old, please.

This month I have another rule for you all: we want a short game. Say six hours or less. The reason for this: We already have our October game, and it's a big one. We want something really small to play that we can crank out in a week or two and get an early start on the next game looming on the horizon.

This also means that we'll not be soliciting suggestions for next month, so it's now or November. Get them in! Anything works: itchios, mobile games, NES games you love that don't take very long, etc. I think this could be a really exciting list. And who knows? Maybe we'll pick more than one if they're short enough...



Oh, I had no idea! Good to know.


I may be late to still recommend this, but would y'all consider Zone of the Enders for a Game Club? I believe it's very short