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Hello everyone! M here, with the August update for all patrons! We've been super busy settling into our new four-show schedule, but it's been nice to be busy as hell. Thanks to everyone for your support. I know most of the Patreon updates are focused at the $5+ tier, with the weekly writing and all, but every bit of support helps a lot. 

We're probably going to change a bit of how that works. Right now we have a weekly updates portion of the Patreon letter that we're going to break out starting next weekend as a post for all supporters. So even at $1, you'll get something on this feed regularly. We'll see how it shakes out. 

Now it's time for voting! All three suggestions this month are from Patreon supporters. If you want to suggest a game, it's possible for the tune of $5 a month, and we put up the thread usually a week or two before these polls go up. So maybe check that out if it's your speed, and foist your favorite game upon us!

This poll is only going to be up until the end of the day Saturday, so get to voting! And thanks again. You're all a huge help, and we love that you love us.


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