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...by one vote. Wow. 

Anyways, I don't really have a solid idea on what to do with her yet, so any suggestions are welcome.


Jayix Chezro

Maybe a big belly stuffing with her eating a crazy amount of burritos and then everything filling up her pants until they can’t take anymore :3


I'd love to see something that has a lot of build up. Like her being secretly spiked with something. Having a reason like lactose intolerance maybe and her unknowingly drinking a milk product. Regards, time could be spent on different scenarios throughout the day like her first noticing the building gas in her stomach, her desperately sneaking farts behind closed doors or outside, her clenching her checks desperately trying to hold it in, stuff like that. Leading up to when she finally runs to the toilet holding her but and farting uncomfortably until she makes it explodes with built up gas on the toilet, followed by severe diarrhea.