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So, user Bancroft asked a very interesting question in comments to page 5:

"I'm enjoying your comics, but I wonder how did Hinata gave birth to Himawari?"

Usually, it's up to commissioner to invent answers to such questions, since I'm just and artist, and I draw what people want, without getting into details of the universe that I'm drawing. 

But since that question bothers me too - I did the above picture (also, check attachements for sluttier version), and will give my point of view. 

1) I imagine those suits as a complex bondage devices, but they can reward female wearing it with constant sexual pleasure, delivered in various ways and by various devices. Thing that especially turn me on is the fact, that shy females can use those suits to tranform into faceless sexbots for some time, fulfilling their dark desires under protection of the suit (female can act as a generic cybernetic slut for a week, sucking and fucking, but her biological state and sexual health will be protected by the suit, and then return to her everyday job like school teacher). 

2) Female wearing the suit can be impregnated, if cybernetic enhancements (like cyber vagina) allows it, or if crotch panel is removed, so her real, unenhanced reproductive system is exposed.

3) Suit can be worn during pregnancy, but with some modifications, which will guaranty safety development of the fetus, like expandable waist. 

4) For a period near estimated birth of the baby, suit should be removed, to allow safe birth process. 

What are your thoughts on this, lads? 




I thought if someone wears the suit than they are brainwashed and trapped in the suit forever, but if they could take off the suit anytime when they want. My thoughts are also similar to yours.


Depends really, Ino and Sakura were brainwashed, Hinata didn't. I could see her growing addicted to the suit, but not to the point she couldn't modify or take it off, in case of necessity. So this seems to make sense to me.


I think Hinata wears her armor for two reasons. She hates being exposed and this outfit allows her to hide herself from the looks of others people. People only see her armor that catches the eye, but her body is kept hidden. Under the metal, she is protected, with a shield that covers her completely, giving her a sense of security. The spirit of Hinata has not been greatly altered. She quickly appreciated her armor and it became an addiction to her. This offered her the possibility of living hidden, without being secluded at home. The armor is designed to protect the wearer and devices monitor the health. Sexual act is possible and if a carrier is pregnant, there is the possibility of adapting the outfit. An internal cover of extensible latex adapts to the morphology of the person. Then, for birth, it is best to remove the armor. But it remains theoretically possible to keep the shoes, the breastplate, the gloves and the helmet. It is not the easiest thing, however.


I imagine Hinata as an addict, enjoying it. She could take it of, but she is reluctant to do it ! Sakura and Ino were brainwashed and they will not take it off on their own. They need orders to be cleaned and for service.