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Hey there!  Hope you all doing good. Got some news for you!

1) From September there will be more content here, so the first comic tier will be active again. Hoping to get to 3 posts per week schedule, so, for example, third tier will get 2 comic pages + character of the month picture. 

2) We'll see how leaks I mentioned in earlier posts will go further, and if they won't stop - I'll simply ditch WIPs, and will send you finished pages at the end of each month. 

3) I hadn't change my prices for years. Can you imagine, some tiers kept their prices from 2015! But USD is devaluating, inflation is high, so, sadly, I have no choice but to rise prices a little bit. And by little bit I mean it. 

1$ tier will become 3$ tier. 5$ will rise to 6$ and 10$ to 12$. 

As you can see, this is done to correct my error from years ago regarding starting comic tier. This tier took a lot of time to fill with content, but costed basically nothing - suck for a buck, like they said in one lovely webcomic. So this tier is the most affected with price change. Other tiers were just adjusted for inflation. 

And, of course, this small raise will definately motivate me to do more content you all love. 

Love, Van. 


Tutor Veritatis

Charge what you’re worth. You know you’re value.