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Sorry, I have to rant now and swear a bit now. 

Currently my workflow is broken, because three weeks ago I had to reinstall some of my software, and all this time I'm trying to unfuck the newer version of Photoshop to some workable state while trying to keep up with the schedule. 

Seriously, how the hell can Adobe constantly keeps breaking things up? They fix one bug - add two more. They change tools that were fine for decades until someone of their retarded employees decided that "this tool needs an iMpRoVmEnT!". They keep adding features no one asked for, yet can't fix bugs that are with their users for literal years. 

Seriously, I dived into Adobe support forums, and there, among so called "Adobe support professionals" (who can only ask "have you tried resetting your preferences?"), I found a perfect example of how bad Adobe is now:

A bug, that was fixed (partially) 7 (SEVEN) years after it was reported. 


Fuck you, Adobe, you don't deserve that 21$ per month subscription. 

This shit is really killing my workflow, and guess the only option I have is to reinstall old PS 2014, where 99% of stuff was working as intended. 

Again, sorry for the rant, I`m trying to fix this issue as soon as possible, just wanted to inform you that I'm not lollygagging. 




You can sure blather forever, but what the hell else are you going to DO about it other than make it everyone ELSE'S problem too?


And that's a good question, since there is no basic alternative to PS. Yeah, there is SAI and GIMP, but most of the artists I know used PS as their first drawing software, and grew with it for years, so it's really hard to say "ok, that's enough to that heroin addiction". Back then PS was a reliable tool, and now it's just causing frustration each time they update it. Sorry if I'm being rude, it's just that this situation is really killing my workflow :(


I was about to ask if you had tried GIMP, sounds like you have. Adobe is the (second) worst at support. (they are like Oracle, thier software is the best at what they do, but god help you if you have a problem, cause they (the developer) sure as heck won't)


One thing that annoys me the most is that combination of PS + Wacom + Win10 has some weird long going cross-conflicts and bugs when it supposed to be the best combo for digital art. But somehow it looks like those three are at war with each other :(