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Hey there!

You, my patrons, are the people, who support me financially, and I'm very grateful for that. Seriously, every coin you guys send means a lot to me, and helps me to support my family. 

Since your patronage allows me to be less dependent of my boring office-job (which was promising at start, but now it's a dead and poisonous swamp, due to insanity of higher managers) -  I'm planning to slowly shift my life this year to become a full-time artist. And that's why I wanna talk to you. 

As my patrons, you know very well what I prefer to create. But guess my error is that I've never actually asked you guys what you wanna see. So, why won't you go down there in the comments section, and leave your ideas there? 

Just to be clear - I'm not asking for specific ideas, like next part of Naruto-themed robotization comic, but for general directions to work in. For example, if you want to see some mix between TF/latex with a grain of TG or some additional things - feel free to write it down! Wanna see more extreme TFs - write that down too!

Waiting for you feedback and thank you! 


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