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This is a pre-demo(yes, that's a thing!):

MOBILE version


PC and MAC versions


It's almost done, only missing two pieces of graphics, Knight muscle level 2 victory and defeat. You can play until you climb the stairs after defeating the Gladiator. This would consist 25% of the game. More or less.

The confort and punish scenes for 1st boss is in too, when the player needs to appear, their body will be displayed as a wired frame, this way the same can be used for every player. Do you like it? I liked! But you are the boss.

Another thing I am handling is the good and evil choices. I made two symbols for them, this way you know when your character will be a good or bad girl! These choices will influence the ending and maybe the last boss(SURPRISE!).

I want to implement some effects like screen shaking and etc. And splashs, dust effects. A lot of things to spice the visuals.

I noticied some glitchs on the javascript conversion. It shouldn't be happening but they are:

-Zombie girl arms shrinks when she is defeated

-Zombie girl's body on idle stance is showing a weird color

-Some numbers appears behind of the knight in the muscle out stance.

Let me know if you find anything weird! The bad kind of weird, of couse. "That wasn't supposed to happen" kind of thing. And of course, I am open to suggestions!



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