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I am glad you guys are willing to see the new take on my future projects!

This new "way" can be used in any project, it's like an engine for interactive novels. Anything I say! It's true, any story can be represented using this paradigm. 

In the example above we have the basic elements for this engine: 

-We have the health meter(the hearts), the number of times the player can fail. Can be restored through exploration

-We have the inventory for itens. Things like keys, cards, etc. You don't need to click to use them, once they are needed they will be activated.

-We have the special points which will used to upgrade your character. They are rewarded through exploration and challenges.

-We have the stats of the character, strength, stamina and agility. They are used for the challenges and they define the chance of sucess. Higher stats better chances. To upgrade the stat, just click on it and pay the special points required.

-Almost over! We have the game screen! Like Bali quest, you can click on things to advance the story. Now you have more options, giving you choices, some will make things harder but the rewards will be better!

-And the last element is the text area which will display the text(duh). There will be a portrait of the character who is talking and dialogue choices.

What do you think? It looks solid, doesn't? Of course, we can put more stuff, gear system, a map but it's good already for a start. Let me know what you think.




It looks like a request for a solid indie quest with RPG elements. This is a completely different level, much higher than what you did before.

charles yve antoine capel

I think it's not bad for a prototype but i may have a good idea that may help for the monstergirl idea maybe like an edition for each breed (with maybe a poll to choose the edit/breed.)


No charisma stat for boob/pec size?


Very nice indeed! However, I do see one big improvement that could be made: since inventory items are not interactible, it would be much better to make the inventory a pop-up or drodown menu, maybe accessible by clicking on that mask icon on the top-left of the screen. That simple trick would free up considerable UI space.


Looking good


Pfft... if there isn't any growth, no thank you! :P Should always be the standard! Keep on growing FOREVER! :P


This idea will require some planning, I think it might work in a single package.


HA! I would love something like that but it will require some work to make different chest size for each piece of graphic.


I like it! There is no reason to display them at all times.


Oh you! Of course there will be growth! We just need to define when and how the growth will happen!


I fucking love it! And I want to see more masked muscle girl, for sure! I'm sure since this is an example, the icons are naturally big, but once the actual UI starts to take shape I bet you could save a lot of space with smaller icons and refill that extra space with even more muscle girl :D


Hmmm seems like you can set this up using a VN and keep track of the variables by going this route if there is no intense action oriented and it's by choice instead.


I want to put muscles in everything, even the stats will be muscular!


Yep, everything will occur by choices. But I will try to implement different ways of interaction with world. I am using html5 canvas, it gives some freedom in the design area.


Looking forward to the new projects , would love to see remasters of HYPERMASS#2 and FANATIXXX #1

The Alternate202

Between items, character upgrades, health etc., it certainly looks and sounds like you've got all the bases covered! This concept sketch looks good! It reminds me of those classic point and click adventure games where you'd have the gameplay on the main screen in the middle and the items and other stuff surrounding it, or those old fmv games that had similar sorts of gameplay. Like Bali's Quest only more expansive and with more elements. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how you work all this together! Though with artwork like yours, you might have to come up with a compelling reason for people not to put all their upgrade points into maxing out "strength" as soon as possible! XD


I would love to remaster/redraw that Evangelion story!


The classic hentai novel/games comes to mind, I always liked the clean interface and direct interface. I know most people here aren't core gamers so I have to keep it simple enough. It will something quite interesting for sure.


Looks great so far! Always looking forward to see what more you can do.