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Working on them texts, I will be starting the endings in some days.

And here are my ideas for the game over scenes. Instead of static pictures, I am thinking in adding some small animations to spice things and making the scenes longer like an aditional ending. I did these sketchs for half of the girls, more 4 to go. 

The general idea for these bad endings:

Lima- Jane is being tortured by Lima with her biotic powers

Mack- She is tattooing Jane's ass.

Bali- Jane is saluting Bali and she is happy

Masara- She is licking jane's blood from her fingers and she is all wet by it.

Minerva- Jane is pouring tea for Minerva in a maid outfit

Penny- She is sitting in a throne with Jane licking her foot

ETA- She turns Jane in a cyborg

Doc/Hardcore- All girls are naked in in line formation and a giant doc is behind them with an evil smile.

Do you like these ideas? Have something better? Let me know at once!




The ETA ending sounds like that scene in Superman III where the supercomputer forcibly cyborg-ifys one of the henchwomen.


This is the best way how to end all this stories. Great idea


In the Masara ending, is Jane dead, or just really beat up?


These are great! I think I like Penny doing the domination, though.

John Doe

I love that Penny one, it sounds hot. Not sure about the Masara one though. I was thinking she could turn Jane into her gimp or something along thoses lines.

Ranger Fan

I like most of them. Not a huge fan of the Minerva one though. I feel like she'd make Jane do something even more humiliating, like force her to clean a toilet or something


Love them


Great ideas! I especially like Penny's ending!


Oh yes! I remember that! I am thinking in something like a Robocop or go full mecha. What do you think? A mecha-Jane?


I am still deciding to make her dead or not. What do you think about it? It's a bad ending.


Well, on her event she wants to kill Jane and Jane tries to resist. It makes sense her dying on the bad ending. What do you think?


Like a janitor? It would be nice to force Jane in working for Minerva but it must be humilliating but sexy!

The Alternate202

They all look and sound great! All very fitting for each of the girls and their personalities.


Looks like fun.


So, is non-con sex off the table? Like, on top of being restrained by Lima's powers, Jane could also have a Biotic dildo shoved up her pussy. Masara could also be fucking Jane silly with a strap on, with Jane covered in blood from being beaten senseless. NTR might be too weird for this game, but I could see Minerva sitting in a lounge all mob boss style with a woman between her legs just eating her pussy, with Jane pouring her a glass of champagne looking all sad to not be part of the action?


Also, maybe the girls should be larger than Jane, because their Might was stronger than Jane's. OR it could be selective, like some of the girls probably care less about being larger than Jane, but I can totally see Bali desiring to be bigger and stronger as a show of dominance (even tho she loves Jane). Maybe Penny is the opposite, since she's such a massive fetish hound, maybe she forced Jane to be hyper huge and gets off on having a bigger, stronger slave.