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We are reaching on the final moments of Jane mode. Well, compared to the works already done. We have two aspects to discuss!

1- Jane VS doctor

I adjusted the proportions of the girls, made the hands and feet smaller. The idea for the duel is to make them run on each other, slam on the wall and lift the loser. Both characters will use most graphics, I don't see much need to make different slam/push graphics for each girl. BUT, i know, we need a better finalization/humilliation move. My idea is, after one girl lift the other, the winner will have her time in another graphic. What do you have in mind for these humiliation moves? What Jane would do? And the doctor? Must be in something outrageous!

2- Jane's graphics endings

We  will have three outfits for each role. I made sketchs for them, mommy, slut and pimp. AND Jane will have one special outfit for each girl of the crew. Like this:

-Shorts and trucker hat - Lima(mommy)

-Gym clothes - Mack(mommy)

-Wedding dress - Bali(slut)

-Nun clothes -Masara(slut)

-Cabaret/pimp look - Miranda(pimp)

-Bath Towel -Penny(pimp)

I already made the base graphic of Jane, the "no" outfit(naked) set.

I think that's it! What you think of all this? Nothing is set on stone yet but be fast because I will start doing this in a couple of days! No time to lose!




Well I guess we can put "beating up the elderly" onto the list of crimes Shepard has committed


This is looking great! Loving the designs for Jane's ending outfits. XD For an 'outrageous' humiliation move, what if Jane literally headplants the Doctor through the floor and then rides/scissors her upside-down body? Also for the endings, I remember a while back we talked about the endings having a single 'clash' graphic after the ladies muscle-burst. Are you still planning on anything like that?


It looks great. As an ending for Jane, you can use the door on the right side of the room. This door may be to the vacuum of space where Jane will throw the Doctor out, and Jane will be sure that everything is over and the Doctor is dead. but in fact she will survive (plot twist for the sequel) As for the endings, the costumes look great.


Looking great so far!

Ranger Fan

Well if the winner is going to do the whole lifting over the head, I say finish things off with a version of the Bane breaking Batman's spine.

clive silverson

i got one. i would say the winner crushes the other between there breasts before letting a "serge" of might making them swell in size massively!


have the winner get even bigger


Are we going to be able to see more most muscular poses from the girls because Minervas first act flex and growth is just very amazing and fabulous.Also I wouldn’t mind to see her do that pose in that pink lingerie of hers ;)).Other than that the game is just perfect 10 out of 10 :).


I like the move! I will write this one down! I am considering that idea, making a big panel with three different versions, comparing sizes and etc. It sounds awesome.


Hmmmm... a bit too brutal. If one of them was a guy, okay. But between girls...


In a kind of bear hug? I am thinking in something more related to sex.


I am glad you liked! We could have every girl doing at least one!


She is gorgeous

The Alternate202

The idea of having a huge brawl where they're slamming each other into walls is great! Maybe since it's a big, monster-ish battle where they're lifting each other overhead one of the winning poses/moves could have one of them slamming the other into the ground and placing their foot on them while roaring, or something like that? Just something that sort of fits the somewhat more "beastly" type of fight they seem to be having. And the outfit sketches look good too! It's probably for the best not to have a totally different outfit for every role and character; that would just be a bit too much work! XD


Good idea for the victory poses. And about the outfits, yeah, some endings will have in the same situation, still working as commander, no need to draw different clothings. Nothing to do with laziness. Yep. Alright.