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Hello everyone! Download here! 

This is a standalone file for windows!


And this is the swf:


What's new? I only managed to insert the new graphics and code additional lines for the duels. The graphic viewer is updated with Jane and most of ETA's graphics. I am still animating the duels of the 2nd act though. On next week we will have these completed.

I tested a lot but click some buttons around on the graphic viewer and tell me if you find anything weird, I added a lot of lines on the code and progamming can be like playing Jenga, a single mistake can mess the entire thing. I hate that game, searching for pieces below the sofa and chairs.

PS- Don't forget to unlock the content to see everything!




What does one do with an exe file? On linux anyway.


Great to see another update :D Though I will say, the graphic viewer for the Act 2 duels is acting a bit janky. Switching between the girls 'starts' with the 'Jane submission' instead of the 'standoff' which seems to be the actual first graphic. Also, the end Jane's MBS feels a bit... off? Like at the end when she turns around back to the POV it feels like there should be a pause/click instead of her just instantly doing the final bulk-up.


Glad to see a new beta update. All perfectly. I can only wish you patience to finish this all as you intended.


when will be futa Jane mode? that's what i'm really waiting for


Is eda's second growth phase working for anyone?


This is so good!


Part 7 of Jane's 2nd growth sequence is hapenning very fast for me. Don't know if it's just on my PC. Anyway, thanks for the beta :3

clive silverson

where have you been? its been 100 years... stella work my man!


[Insert Positive Comment Here]


A thousand sorries! You can download the swf version I uploaded just now. And you can download the flash player to run it for Linux here: https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html


Thank you! This final part is pretty dull, write and checking lines. Drawing the arts is my favorite part of the process.


I will do the futa the mode right aafter the jane mode is complete. It should happen soon.


Thank you! I am bad in keeping contacts and advertising. I am glad you found me!

The Alternate202

Wow, these animations are looking awesome! It's great to see so many of these duels and growth scenes you've been working on over the past months finally in motion! It's finally all coming together; again! A couple of things I've noticed so far after pressing many buttons have already been mentioned, but yeah often when clicking on the act 2 duels the first and third parts are the same (or rather the first part is showing the third part, rather than the neutral/duel begins pose). Another thing is that it seems as though Bali's act 1 growth scene is slightly too far to the left of the screen if you select it (possibly due to the removal of male Shep as the first image of that sequence in the normal game?). Most of the rest I'm sure is just a case of stuff not being finished quite yet as you've already mentioned. Again, fantastic work so far!


Absolutely love all the new animations, Fem Shep is as sexy as ever. The Duels are sweet especially the Lima and ETA Duels, they're great. Love seeing Shep's Butt in them as well. Also thought the 4th wall comment in Act 1 Penny about Jane & Futa mode being the only true modes was funny. Made me wonder though, are you still planning on doing a futa version of Jane mode in the future or will you move onto another project after Jane mode. Not sure if you're aware or if this was done as a space saving method, but the images for the Muscle Tales have gone missing.


Thank you for the report! I already fixed most of these issues. The Bali one is making me wear the thinking hat for two days straight!


Yes, the muscle tales were removed on the Jane mode since there is no mini-quests. No sense in repeating the same content. And yes again, there will be a futa Jane mode. But there is two approachs, futa jane against a female crew and futa jane against a futa crew. We could have both... but I don't know. Let's decide that when the moment comes.