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And this is a sample of the 3rd FMG sequence for Jane. This will happen in the end of the hardcore event. 

I am preparing the layouts of the duel with the doctor but sadly this week was a bit chaotic! But I am on it!



hans landa

i wanna jane's futa !


I like her! She grows on you.


Oh, nowadays children grow up so fast and so big that they don't even fit on the screen. P.S. It's a great job, but seriously, how do you put overmuscle Jane and overmuscle doctor into one scene?

John Doe

I had an idea of having F Shepard becoming a futa after overdosing on MIGHT and feeling the need to impregnate the other girls. Just an idea.


Jane definitely getting huger, I'm getting goosebumps just to think what dialogues she be having with the girls


Look at those huuuuge boobs. Marvelous

Klesk Vadrigaar

I feel like there should be an effect of her punching through the ceiling, or the computer screen, with that last shot.



The Alternate202

So. Much. MIGHT!! Jane really is going even further beyond (and possibly even further beyond the confines of the room she's in at this rate)! She's going to need to watch out she doesn't hit her head on any hanging lights!


Looking nice. Janes gotta' be the biggest of the ladies, after all the is the one in charge. Hope everything is alright in the world of life. Keep at it. You're doing a great job!


Well, I think I can't display 100% of their bodies at once. I am doing tests with split screen.


Nice! I was thinking about the Futa Jane mode. We can futafy all the girls or just Jane. I think just Jane would make her even more dominant.


I am considerating the size factor for the duels, make something on these graphics, drawing walls and ceilings.


Thank you, I am doing fine. It's summer but the beaches are closed, so, no babes in bikini... sigh...