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Bali's wrestling frames are complete!

Now it's time for Masara! I did these sketchs for her duel which consists in a suplex contest. What do you think of them? I still have two more sketchs to do.




Bali looks powerful and cute as always, I love her for that. Masara sketchs looks good especially the third sketch with wrestling. What if they have a bionic duel?

Klesk Vadrigaar

All of this is looking mighty fine.


Jane's smile is amazing

The Alternate202

Wow, Bali's squeezing Shepard like a tube of toothpaste! She looks like she's about to pop her like a bottle of warm champagne! Also, other comparisons! Love that view of her huge muscular back and shoulders. So much powah! And Shepard has quite a view for her victory pose too! No matter who wins, so do we! Cool idea with the suplex contest for Masara's duel too! You're doing a great job coming up with all these!


I prefer the duels to be physical. They need to use their muscles!


Thank you! It's a challenge to make the suplex moves sexy and I believe I am not quite there yet. I will try harder.