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A new beta!




The introductory event for the act 2 is much larger now. We have ETA, Jane growth, the duel. A lot of stuff! I still need to the lip synch for ETA.

I am still working on the changes for Jane mode, I changed a bit of the code and some features and I still have some adjustments to do. The character viewer will need a serious redo because how the graphics works on Jane mode. I will solve this later.

What's next? The graphic set of armored Jane for act 2. I already have the normal instance, now we need the other 5. After that I gonna do the 4 parts growth(MBS) of Jane where she will break that armor. I will do the sketchs and present to you guys first.

That's it so far.



Klesk Vadrigaar

Digging the new outfit. Can't wait to see this finished!


Awesome work


Love EDI's thick veins :3


Its looking great so far. Can't wait to see the rest.


I tried to make look like power cables. Her next growth will have larger veins.

The Alternate202

That whole intro scene is excellent! ETA's graphics look awesome in-game, the dialogue is good with some nice jokes, not one but two muscle growth sequences plus the duel! It's awesome! Really great work on the whole thing! I did notice going through it a couple of times though that the Jane/ETA bearhug animation seems to play all in one go, then about halfway through their dialogue/battle the animation resets and plays completely through again, which I assume it's not meant to. Chances are you might have already fixed that by now, but I figured I'd mention it anyway. Once again, fantastic work!

Troy mason

i really enjoy this version of your game an cant wait for the next update for Jane