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Here the beta 8!




What's new? I am updating the graphic viewer section. You can find Jane frames there. I removed the (ugly)male Shep face from the icons. AND I did a flexing biceps animation for Jane too! You are welcome!

And I am working on the event between act 1 and 2. And we have a surprise! A new character! ETA! Instead Jane going to the planet where Cerebelus found MIGHT's proto version, she sends ETA to find any clue about it. She finds an ancient tablet and brings it to Jane. After ETA scanning the tablet, she contracts a virus and get infected with MIGHT! And from there we have some fighting, Jane beefs up to face ETA, we have a sex scene and...

I am still developing the ideas, am I going too fast? I think it would be nice to add ETA on the 2nd act as well, making her the 8th crew member. And I need to make her endings too. And after this I can add ETA on the regular version with male Shep. A director cut version!



Klesk Vadrigaar

Only way you're going too fast is giving me too many ideas that I'm driven to somehow fold into more muscle tales/fanfics (depending on whether you're still open for fan content). Have to see if the current WIP I've got in the works can be reworked to include this as part of the backstory.


I'm excited to see Jane's growth sequence and futa version. :D Maybe she's the only one with an exclusive third growth scene? :O Showing that she's the biggest and buffest around.

Angel Uriel



Was waiting for her


Love it! Looks great so far. I'd say since its Jane, she should dominate.


ETA looks fab! Seems like its coming out similar to the comic.


ooh love the ETA idea, sounds awesome. The idea that she contracts MIGHT reminds me of the logic plague from the Halo franchise, it's a really good idea.


Of course I am interested in more stories! The fics doesn't need to have a close relation to the game.


HMmmmm... Yeah, it makes sense, like a final growth in the end or something.


I am doing a more simple approach since I will have to animate her. Her ams will be quite different but they will be somewhat bigger on the game.


Yeah, it's something like it. I didn't play Halo much(and I have the Master chief collection! Damn backlog!). The infection could be so primitive as a sequence of words or an idea, a machine could get contamined just by interpreting.

The Alternate202

Yay Jane flex! It never even occurred to me that she was the only one in the first act who didn't have a flexing animation before now, so it seems only right that she should join the gun show too! The idea for the ETA scene sounds great, and those sketches certainly look great too! That'd be a good way to get Jane pumped up and also get her in on the action at the same time. It doesn't sound like you're going too fast to me; it sounds like you're going too awesome! XD


I was just worried the ideas I got for these events weren't developed enough. This happens to me a lot, working in something and after some progress I realize the initial idea was too rough, full of holes.