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Penny's arm wrestling graphics are ready. Now only her event for the 1st act is missing. With that I will close the 1st act and move to the 2nd. 

And I will start to post the sketchs I am doing for the duels for the 2nd act. I still don't have a clear view of how it will work but I guess we'll figure it out eventually.

PS- Patreon will start to charge taxes on July. I don't understand very well much how it will work, some countries will have that tax, others not. And there is different values too. I am following the guidelines to keep the same values for you. I will look into it with more depth. If you know more about this let me know! 




Sex battles perhaps? XD


Yep, that's the basic idea. Like a mud wrestling match without the mud. And the loser gets a orgasm.


Its looking good so far I'm liking how the Arm Wrestling is coming out, the table shake is a good touch. It sucks Patreon is going to start charging taxes but it makes since depends on where they are based and the Patreons are based at, some countries and states charge tax on digital products or products that get shipped home to Patreons I'm just surprised they didn't implement it in the first place. I guess its to cover their butt when it comes to paying taxes.


Uhhh this is a pure question out of curiosity, So uhhhh I went through your DOWNLOAD gallery at your website, and went to the Flash Files: Game Files section, there I found an SWF, a game you made a long time ago, it's called DATE Simulator, and I tried it.....I liked it, it had some bugs and most of the scenes didn't work, so I thought you might have discontinued it, What I'm trying say is, if possibly for and only IF, do you think you could work on it again, I mean I would super grateful for it, but it's also fully understandable since you already got a sh*t load of stuff and task on your plate as it is.........also take care, eat healthy, wash your hands and....watch a comedy/action movie or 2 to get some laughs and unwind....okay bye.


This just keeps getting better


I see. I am checking this out to keep this simple for everyone. I know how complicated these things can get.


Oh yeah! I remember it. That one was a prototype. I would love to try again to make a date simulator. I have some new ideas for it. I may insert some of the features on my next project.


Will you put it in the website game please? Im having problem lately with swf files and cant enjoy this epicness: (


Awesome! Can't Wait for Act 2 stuff to start coming out. I hope Shep gets an MBS between acts 1 and 2. Or at least grows during or before the Act 2 duels.


I am making the layout for these scenes right now. I will post in a few hours.

The Alternate202

Arm wrestling with Minerva AND a lollipop? Who could say no to that?!