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As some of you know, adobe will stop the Flash support until the end of 2020. This doesn't means all the flash content will stop to work, the updates will cease and some browser may refuse to play them after this. Or not. Who knows? It's hard to believe something with lots of potential will be cease to exist because... no real reason. It's like closing ice cream stores because exists Petit Gateou.

Because of that, I am stopping to develop new projects on project. I am using HTML5 canvas+javascript, which is the alternative the flash company(adobe) is offering. There is some similarities, but I can say, so far, it's not a fair exchange at all. Or it's because I am still used to those old conventions. HMmm...

I am trying to convert the original game to HTML5+javascript and it's a completely nightmare. I am replacing all the code but it's not enough, I may need to make a completely new design, change and remove features. No alpha channels, no vectors, no font filters, no animation effects. And this got me thinking: it's a lot of work to make a worse version. It's making me sad.

That's why I am deciding to keep using flash for Jane mode, the advantages are too great to simply dismiss the original build. There is several options to run swf files right now. Great options like:

-MPC-HC (For windows)


-Extreme Flash Player 


I will build a section just for that, gather a list of solutions to how to deploy and run swf files. I can't test on Mac, iOS and Linux right now. Let me know if you are using these platforms.

 Meanwhile I will keep working on the HTML5 conversion, try to squeeze the maximum of quality possible, My next personal projects will use this tool as well, making something from 0 is easier because I can work around the limitations. Like the 2019 holiday project, I think it worked very well.

And you? What you think of all this? Better to spend time producing new content or adjusting previous stuff? Having troubles to run swf files? Do you like petit gateau?

PS-Speaking of future projects, I am working in three different things. Of course is related to cute muscular girls! I will post more info when I get something solid and playable. 



For me is better to spend time producing new content! About the new projects can you give us a spoiler about the typology of these? (I'm dying of curiosity right now)


I think once you learn and get used to HTML 5 and Java convert the older flash games, but after you've done your projects, as they say, "practice makes perfect".


Also Pot Player is a great player for Flash as well.


I prefer that too, making new stuff. The others projects are action and fighting games with FMG themes. I am working with two different porgrammers, it's a collab work. One of theses projects is close to the pototype stage. I don't want to reveal them because we are still making the design, working on the weekends, the development are pretty slow. But I believe when we move past the prototype phase things will move faster.


I think that's the wiser choice too. Coding the game while I am still learning is stressfull, lots of back and forth. You gave me a idea, i might start a mini project with HTML5 just for learning purposes. Maybe a side story. Bali's Quest?

The Alternate202

Continuing with the Jane mode in flash sounds like the right decision for now, since you're already part way into it and you know how everything works. You can always come back to it later if you still want to update everything to html5 and after you've gotten more of an understanding of how to code for it, since like you say it's not like flash is going to completely disappear from the internet, even if browsers stop running it. I've been using Abode's official flash debug program to run these swf files for a while now, since that's another one that does. It's available on Adobe's site somewhere, and that's likely what I'll continue to use once flash becomes completely obsolete.


I believe Flash will continue as a good animation and game development tool. The only issue with it is the distribution, but I think someone in the future will figure out new ways to get around that, something like an web based emulator.


Granted I only do web development (not flash/game development), but I think you're right in sticking to the tech that you're strong with on your active projects. Once you're more comfortable with the new tech and start a new project then I think that would be a good time to use the new stuff. I'll have to try one of those players/projectors for flash files.