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I inked the layout for the second muscle level of Jane. I changed the armor plates a bit, made them smaller and tighter. I put some solid colors but I think a black armor with a white or red swinsuit would look nice. 

And there is a pic with the closed helmet. What do you think about the design of the faceplate? Too clean? 




Looks great to me. :D the armor design is nice.


The armour doesn't look super mass effect-y but I like it. Also the beefed up thighs and arms look great, can only imagine what she'll looks like after she grows beefier, especially can't wait to see the ass on her.


I agree. Looks like sexy super sentai kind of armor. No complaints, just saying what I think.


Black armor with Red Suit.


Nice armor, she looks great with it

The Alternate202

Looks good! Different than the other armours in the game but a similar kind of style. Possibly you *could* add something to the faceplate though, since as you say it does perhaps look a bit "empty". But I guess it maybe depends on how much it's going to be used.


The faceplate will show just on the start of the event, no need to make her talk with the others with that thing on. And yes, I agree, the faceplate could have some visors or a breathing device. I will desig something.