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Hello again!

I did these color schemes for Admiral Bali. I liked the white one, and the black one too. And the others.

What do you think?




The black all the way! Lol, purple is nice as well! Great work as always :)


Black or purple. I was thinking the whole time if black would be too dark for her and would have recommend a slightly lighter black (grey). Since I saw the purple one I would choose the purple color. But one last experiment. What about making her hat and her cloack black and the rest remains purple?

The Alternate202

They all look really cool! It's hard for me to say which one I like the most. I really like the purple one a lot because it's closest to her default look, and because it looks most like her, rather than some "alternate version" or something. Before I saw this I might have said that with her exposed skin now that I wondered if there were enough other colours to break up the overall look (as the black/grey and gold did in the games), but looking back at your act 2 colour scheme for Lima and how good you made the 'blue skin with an even darker blue outfit' thing work there, I've no doubt you could make this colour scheme look equally great here if you went with it. And intentional or not, it might make for a nice motif to carry over between the various characters, with their outfits being a darker shade of the same colour as their now-exposed skin is, at least in the cases where you have characters with unique skin colours or markings (as looking at Mack again now, even her outfit almost looks like a darker version of her skin colour too). I'm surprised how much I like the blue one too, but perhaps it might look a little too close to Lima's new colours now and not stand out on its own as much as a result. The pink is probably my least favourite. The black one looks good too, though I worry that it might end up too dark and lose some of the muscle lines, shadows and other details, and that it might look a bit too "evil/mean" for her character. And the white also looks good, though that might even be the opposite, maybe a bit too bright and moving away from her look a little bit. But there's still something about it, it does look good. Though again if you went with that skin colour/darker outfit motif, maybe lots of white would be a good look for Lavanda? Eh, just a thought. Overall I if I had to pick I think I'd go with purple, followed by white, then black, blue and pink, in that order. Also, maybe having the "buttons" that link her cape with the chain across her chest be a different colour, like gold or black or grey or something, might help break things up just a little too (although chances are you're already planning on doing that anyway when you do the final colours and adding all the detail anyway :p ). Either way, lots of very cool looks! Nice work!


purple or black.


I vote for 5/white or 2/blue.


I like white and dark purple. But please, not blue - it makes her look like Cobra Commander. :)


Mix some purple lines in black one and she is good.


Black ;)

Vladdy Bladdy

yeah, black with purple lines would be great


I like the white one. It gives her uniform a more military look, like a high-ranked officer. The pink one would be perfect for more intimate moments ^^


Hmmm... I like that, purple and black. It might work.


Got it! These two versions are winning so far.


HAhA! You are right! I already can hear his voice when I look at her... Oh no! It's freaking me out!


Got it! This choice looks great! I shall test it!


Indeed! The white suit is for work and the pink one is for fun!


Black with purple stripes, she looks beautiful, good work.