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I am editing the graphics of the endings now. Why I did so many endings!!? But the working is going well, I believe next week I will have something playable!

And if you want to spellcheck the dialogues for the futa mode, let me know! I am doing the changes here and there, only the necessary because the plot is the same. The first act doesn't have many changes but on the 2nd act things takes another route. So, now is the time if you want to help.

PS- And I have to futafy the pictures of the muscle tales! I almost forgot them!



Klesk Vadrigaar

I eagerly await when you get to Bali.


How can we help with the grammar, etc?


Hello to you good sir I don't I ever thanked you for doing a few diversion at your game when I really would like to thank you for doing so and I hope you continue to do futa decide of everything😍😍 I can only speak for myself but I do thoroughly enjoy all your artwork and I hope to continue to support you


Gimme your e-mail adress and I will send you the envite to edit the files on google docs. I explain the details there.