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I converted our little game to HTML5, this mean you don't need the flash plugin anymore! You only need two things: A internet browser(firefox, chrome, ect) and Java. 99% of the devices already have Java installed, so, you are ready to go!

I need to tell you guys something first. The conversion isn't 100% perfect, i use vectorized graphics on my flash projects and sadly HTML5 doesn't handle them very well so far, I believe they can improve that in the future. Or I am missing something, which is quite probable, I commit mistakes all the time! Anyway, I had to convert the graphics, rasterize is the word. And the quality of the pixels suffered a bit. You can notice this on the faces of the characters in the health gauge.

Can I fix it? Sure! I already some ideas to fix these issues on the future. Meanwhile, I prepared two versions with different levels of quality:





Tell me if you see any difference of perfomance among them, slow down, some bizarre visual glitch.

Later on this year I will convert the normal and futa modes to HTML5. I already started and advanced a lot but I need to study javascript a bit more. I plan to use HTML5/Java for all my next projects, it's future-proof.




both seem to work fine too me


They work fine, nice

Jordan Lew

Looks great!

The Alternate202

Yep, they both work fine for me too. That's a shame about html5 not handling the graphics so well. Hopefully you can find a fix, or it'll be something it gets better at in the future. Just another thing that proves that change is bad (all change; never has anything been changed for the better, not even once! That's just a fact)!


Got it. I am testing and the difference on the perfomance is minimal.


Yep, it really sucks. Vectors takes less memory but demands a lot of computacional power to render and this is the biggest quality of flash. I learned we can use vectors on html5/javascript but it needs to be very simple, few colors, which is the complete inverse of the graphics I do. Change can be good, when something new comes up of course. Removing stuff or shrinking the scope sucks!