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More graphics! Now she is completely and fully naked!

On the next rounds she gonna grow in a larger rate. How much exactly? I don't know. Exciting!

I will add more detais on Chillin's damage, shred his clothes a bit, some scratches, a black eye, etc. Just for fun.

I will try to improve the visual effects also, make more flashy.




Goddammit, round 3 is a bonafide nightmare.


Aww snap you switched off the name, damn man I was only joking...but it does suit her

The Alternate202

Woo, she's getting big! Watch out background mountains! Love the sense of intensity when she's growing, very similar to how the girls in the main game pump-up! And all those extra details sound great! Chillin stands about as much of a chance of stopping her as her clothes did!


I want to add some cracks in the ground, some rocks flying around, like the anime. It's getting quite interesting this experiment.