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Almost there!

I finished Minerva and Masara sex scene. I am working on Penny now. Then later comes the doctor. 

After her I will make the ending graphics, I am thinking on the details, I will use the same graphics of the normal game but I will make it like the girls are exploding the clothes with their erection.

And after that, I will do story. I guess that's it.


Futa Lover

I love it, and i love when the futas has huge cocks XD


I think her dick has to be bigger when it comes out of his head. doesn't match the size shown in the first bit

Vladdy Bladdy

Samara's fatality so far is my favorite in the game. Can't say I've ever seen anything quite like that lol But i gotta level with you about Miranda's sex scene, the hip thrusting movement is kinda janky, you need bigger thrusting movements, and not just slightly vibrating. And I think the same goes for a couple of other sex scenes with thrusting, the full motion is just not there, I'm sorry.


Samara's is great. Agreed about Miranda needs more hip action


No worries, I will try to improve the animations, make the thrusts looks deeper and stronger.