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As some of you may now, adobe will cut support on flash next year. Things will continue to work, the plugin will be available but some browsers may block some funcionalities. And thinking of that, I am already converting/porting the game to HTML5, which is the very same format which "destroyed" flash.

But its not simple as pressing a button and convert everything to a new format. 

Really, it's not.

I am re-using most of the code because I avoided to use some specific codings to Flash, I used the most basics(primitive?) sintaxes, if and elses, functions and variables. 

Right now, learning and coding the game on the same time, it's dangerous because I may using wrong or inefficient methods but I am being careful!

You can see the progress here:


What is working so far?

-The warning screens

-You can edit the name of the characters

-the start and extra buttons on the start screen

-the graphic viewer button on the extras screen

-the muscle level 0 of Penny on the graphic viewer

You can see that the game loads fast, I removed all the graphics to make the development lighter. Also, the graphics are a bit grainy, blurred, that because I am using the lower quality for now. And you can also run the game offline. Just decompress the attached file and execute the html file and it will open on your default browser.

Give it a go, access the link and test it on your PC and on your phone or tablet, tell me how it goes. I noticied some issues with phones but I want to hear you first.



Good start. Thanks for the extra effort.


Funny thing. I was wondering the other day what was going to happen to the game once Flash went kaput.


Making good progress it seems so far


Gonna cry the day Flash dies so many awesome things will die when it goes, guess there will have to be a Flash Emulator. But the HTML5 looks great seems to react faster than the Flash version.

The Alternate202

Good idea to "future proof" the code by not making it all Flash-specific. It still must be pretty frustrating to be re-doing so much of that stuff so soon after getting everything finished the first time! Still, at least this should ensure we won't ever get to a point where we can't ever play it again without Flash emulators or something like that, so it'll certainly be worth it in the end. I downloaded it and tried it out in Chrome and can't see any problems. I changed the names, went through the Penny graphics, pressed all the buttons and so far so good. The quicker loading is nice too! Do you know whether it might be more or less CPU-intensive that Flash, by any chance? That would certainly be a nice "upgrade" too if that were the case.


Thank you! I will be using this knowledge for the next game, its a win-win situation.


Only the end of the adobe support is confirmed so far. The browsers may block totally or part of the functions via updates in the future. Or not. I want to be safe.


Yeah, emulations and open source plugins will be the best solution. Right now there is few solutions but I believe next year things will improve.


HTML5 works together with javascript which is a powerful web language and it doesn't need to be compiled, only interpreted. This means faster execution and less memory usage. BUT HTML5 lacks some nice features I used on Flash. Graphical effects mostly. But I am finding new ways to implement these functions. The input name field for example is an extern component, it works, but it needs a bit of polish.


Is the ability to unlock the extras working?