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Penny is now futafied but it requires more works on the MBS, I will get it done.

Next comes the doctor. There is some things I need to check with you before anything:

1-Will she have a bulge since the beginning? Small? Big package?

2-Different details on the cock for the three different roles? The monster version could be 2 dicks intead of one. The younger version could have a very long dick, and the older version could have a thick and fat one.

What do you think?

AH! Another thing! I am studying to convert the game to run on javascript, through html5 format. It will be a good thing because javascript is built-in in EVERYTHING. I am learning to use Actionscipt 3.0 and a lot of stuff to make this work. You can test this TINY experiment:


Tell me if the graphics shows up in your browser. I will make better samples soon, I want to test the frame rate.



The new format is a good idea. On my PC the framerate is a big issue. But that could just be me

davyd chapman-comb

no too two dicks always looks weird and not true futa for me, just have them get bigger and bigger as you have and the monster one is very long and very thick just massive.

davyd chapman-comb

if i may ask from the updates so far Bali seems to be easily the biggest in monster mode any chance of seeing her monster with out the stone pillar so we can compare

Red Viking

Love the idea for the doctor. Two dicks is tricky to do right, but if you can manage it I think it'll be awesome.


Huge bulge and two dicks for sure. :D


Don't need two dicks but I still like the crazy ideas for the doctor since you're going all out. The HTML seems ok

Jordan Lew

The link works!


Looks great! I can see the link just fine.


The Java test works in Chrome About the doc: I think dick growth would fit muscle growth well enough. Maybe she starts with a small package? As far as monster dicks, 2's not my thing, but I won't complain. As an alternative could maybe do demon spikes (or just bumps)?

Vladdy Bladdy

small bulge since beginning pls


Got it, I am considering that as well. I can adjust the compressing levels on HTML5.


Oh, yeah, I didn't think about that! I will think in some way.


Gotcha! I am doing small implements, soon we will have something playable.