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I am working on this story. I will be posting the pages as I finish the coloring and the text. It's not the final version, if you see errors of the text or art, let me know.

 It's about a dude and girl getting muscular and giant together. That's it. No need to complicate things, right?

I plan to release my next comics this way, releasing the pages in batches like this instead taking months(years...) to finish all the story. Or maybe, even, work in multiple stories, 3 pages of this, then a couple of that story, this way I can work on more comics. What do you think?




Looks awesome! I like the idea of the pages being released like this.


Looks good! Was there a page 1?


UUUuuuuu! Getting chills


Batches idea is great. Maybe some day you'll finish Wasted Lands lol.

Jordan Lew

Great idea


Awesome! Can't wait to see more.


Looks great

The Alternate202

Sounds like a plan, and the pages look good too! You know the story is going to be good when it starts off with the discovery of an idol that looks like that! Releasing pages of various different comics at a time sounds good if it meant you might be able to work on more of them once. Either way, releasing pages in batches seems like a good idea, since that's what a lot of people who do comics or growth drives etc. these days tend to do. I look forward to seeing you get back into your comics groove again!


This story have a different kind of muscle growth. And it will feature my first male muscle growth. I am trying my best. Really trying.


great....love it

Vladdy Bladdy

I think I read a manga like that once


What’s the name of the Manga ?