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I fixed the reported bugs, I changed the unlock features function better.

And we have a nice addition! You can select Mack's hair on the first act, there is a completely bald version now! Woohoo!


Angel Uriel

YEA! Bald Mack, sweet.

Klesk Vadrigaar

I'm curious, will the game be able to save our progress and unlockables if we close the window? Or if we do then we have to unlock everything again?

The Alternate202

Nice, options like this are always welcomed! And she's even gone full bald! Those who wanted her to go back to having no hair definitely can't complain now!


Humm... I forgot to explain about how the game saves. On the normal mode, the game saves when you reach an ending. On the hardcore mode the games everytime you return to the stage selection screen. If you exit or close the game, nothing is saved. I should add some pointers on a future revision.


Yep, I don't like the full baldy style but I got used to it,


Will you be producing a NON-Flash version? Flash is gone at the end of the year and is hard to come by even now.