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Hi everyone! 

I am inserting all the missing graphics, doing new graphics and testing the functions very carefully. In those links above you can test the last version. 

I added the X-ray frame for the Hardcore sex scene, now you can see Shep closely. Doing the facial animations in the fatality and sex scenes. Fixing some graphical issues. Cleanning the code. Added the variations for the Hardcore endings. I change the how to play event to reflect the new design changes(hardcore mode). 

There is a lot of minor changes, I am following a todo list.

Now there is some issues I left for this moment. Bali's helmet. Destroy it ot not? I am thinking in a more direct choice: A question pops in the screen and asks. What do you think? It's not that elegant, but it will work flawless.

I think that's it. I am working on it furiously right now. I will be present the new design for the female Shep and futa modes soon. One of them will be relatively simple and other will require some overhaul. Will discuss it better when the moment comes.

I would like you guys to test it out a bit, clicking stuff on the screen in non logical order, mess with the buttons, you know, Quality assurance.



In the graphic viewer when looking at the part 5 growth for Chakalaka, there's some issue with her arms and shoulder.


I do like the idea of seeing her face, so destroying the helmet is nice


Ditto on destroying the helmet. It is the last remain of her former vunarability to the outside world.

Mike Smith

F@$k that helmet! XD

Agent Shark

I'd say if possible, make it an option through either settings or dialogue to save or destroy the helmet

Matias Fernandes

podrias hacer los links para abrirlos con otro archivo que no se a .swf

The Alternate202

You implemented the X-ray feature really well, it's cool that it's an insert rather than completely changing the image. This way we get to see both inside and out at the same time! And the medical bay background is both fitting and different from any of the others, so that's cool too. I like Bali with her helmet as-is since she's one of those characters where her helmet essentially *is* her face, but if it were an optional thing like you suggest then it's the best of both worlds. Now to get testing some more; for science! XD Like Pyro already mentioned parts of Chakalaka's shoulders are see-through midway through her growth, but that's more of a graphics thing than anything to do with the code. If I find anything wonky with the buttons or how anything works though, I'll be sure to let you know!


I decide to make a pop up with the options in moments before the last growth.


In the moment I can only publish swf files. I am looking for other solutions.


Yep, have options is always good. Do not worry. There is some graphical issues after I updated my Flash(but its still old). I am fixing them.


how can i get the gallery image?


Not sure if you are aware but in the graphic viewer for the pimp sex scene, her second set of arms detach and fly off


You can access the gallery images on the dropBox folder on: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/isr90desooel7y6/AACk5JQgsbh7A3ebUTQ81zrEa?dl=0