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I almost forgot these! You can find them in the same place as always. I am preparing some samples of Minerva. People are sending me death threats already!




Death threats? Please don't make fun of it!

The Alternate202

Hopefully a joke, but you never can tell with the internet. Some people can go way overboard with the negativity if they don't get everything their own way!


I am used to it. I take it like as jokes. But i agree, saying will stab me at my doorstep because I didn't make Kartoon Warz #4 yet is a little extreme.

The Alternate202

Wow, that's crazy. Do those sort of people really think saying something like that is going to make you *want* to do what they're asking? Some people are incredibly rude and ungrateful.


I don't think it's that bad, i take it as a morbid joke. But yeah, people telling me what to do or not is pretty rude.