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Thanks to the marvelous Pixelpapst, we do have now a set of gifs! You can pick your favorite! You can find them in the GIF folder in the dropBox project folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/isr90desooel7y6/AACk5JQgsbh7A3ebUTQ81zrEa?dl=0




Double nice.


It makes me so proud Reddy that you decided to use them o(≧▽≦)o Sry guys I noticed that three files are on full size 2000x2752. Their lineart may be look a bit soft than sharp as the orignal files. This is because your browser scale them down. You would have to zoom in with your browser with Ctrl+plus Also there would be an easy fix for that. The files I am talking about are: Lima first growth.gif Lima second growth short version.gif Lima third growth.gif The other one are shorter in their resoluton ca. 700x1000 I send Reddy those resized versions. But if you want to I can try to make some 2k animations. Tell me what you think.


I like the shake version. it makes the sequence POP,for me

The Alternate202

Very cool. It's always good to have options. :) Nice job!