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Hi guys,
First of all some info, Posts with comics content will restart soon: Blue Phone Content in a couple of days, then something about Rebecca's Marriage special, Get Notice and rotating again the same till the end of the month.

As usual, get your imagination to work. What picture would you like me to create? Which situation? What interactions and which characters? just write in the comments section your idea and I'll add your suggestion to the poll.

The only rule is: Rebecca and other characters won't change size/appearance or time skip into the future.

NB: Remember suggestions must be intended for a single picture or a before/after, then it will be me to decide to do a sequence or not, depending on time and creativity. If you submit  your idea in the past month's comments and wasn't picked up, you can resubmit it again to give it another chance.

1 suggestion per person.

If there is a high number of ideas only the  first 25 valid suggestions will be considered.  You've time till the 18th of January to propose your idea.



Rebecca, Wolf & Gabriel compare heights again but this time Rebecca is wearing her tallest pair of high heels on and absolutely towers over both of them.


How about the reverse of big vs small pleasuring from the last one. Big Rebecca pleasuring little Rebecca. That would be nice


Rebecca and mark showering together

bold zaphod

Rebecca sitting in her office chair (knees are straight) all other friends from Mark, steve, Alicia, wolf, Miranda, her mother etc stand both sides of her and Steve is standing between are legs facing her and is looking up and up. Rebecca has stretched her long arms encompassing them all with a rye smile


Miranda, Rebecca's mother and Alicia have arranged to meet each other in the bedroom, ready to go party. Mom has the big white heels (Bus poll), Miranda has the little red ones (Miranda 11) and Alicia doesn't have any. They decide to compare their size with the door frame and jokingly say they should be careful. Finally, they take off their heels


I just wanna see Rebessa's mom wearing those pajamas and growing/bulging into her son


La mamá de Rebeca aprieta a Kurt contra la pared con sus grandes tetas. Lo levanta del suelo y le cuesta hasta respirar.