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Guys I can't stop thanking you for being with me again, I want to be as fast as possible this month sharing as much conetnt as possible, so let's start with the usual poll ideas that's one of your favorite part.

What picture would you like me to create? Which situation? What interactions and which characters? just write in comments your idea and I'll add your suggestion to the poll.

The only rule is: Rebecca and other characters won't change size/appearance or time skip into the future. NB: Remember suggestions must be intended for a single picture or a before/after, then it will be me to decide to do a sequence or not, depending on time and creativity. Things that have been suggested in the past month's comments, please rewrite them here.

1 idea per person.

Given the high number of ideas only first 20 valid suggestions will be considered.


k. m.

rebecca measuring her mom's height


Rebecca's growth happening overnight with her growing out of her pj's and confronting her brother for taking too long in the bathroom.