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Thank you guys one more time, sorry if my work slowed down for a few weeks, but for many reasons listed in previous posts, I couldn’t fully concentrate on work. Now I’m back and working also during weekends. Things should speed up. Let’s hope!

What does the August subscription will bring to you? Here is the list:

Growth Diary Tier:

- 1 issue with extras of the Growth Diary (April 2021)

- Miranda mini story (10+ panels) [poll seems going this way]

- Share your ideas for a couple of pictures and vote them in a poll

- 2 Growth Diary related pictures chosen by you

- access to 2 years+ posts with hundreds of pictures

Growth Comics Tier:

- All the above

- Bluephone 8 Part 1 (granted delivery when available via PM, sorry it won’t be soon but I’ll make it worth its while)

- Share your ideas for a growth sequence and vote it in a poll

- 10+ growth sequence panels chosen by you

- access to all growth sequences created so far

- For eligible patrons who supported me during the period 12/2021 to 4/2022 Day 6 Part 1 (release: about 1 week from now) and part 2 around the end of the month.

New Tier that should have started this August is postponed to September so I can dedicate more time on catching up old work



Looking forward to ch 6 part 1 and 2 hopefully no RL slowdowns