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Hi guys,

Sorry for being discontinued in posting last month. As I wrote in a Growth Comic only post I was on a roller coaster of strong emotions and problems. I’m very sensitive to events in my life, especially negative ones that give me anxiety

Long explanation, you can skip the italic text  if you're not interested. First I had one member of my parents with covid the same day I went back to meet them, we were worried, vacations were screwed up and there were other family issues with another member (not because of me), then there were problems because in a few months I’m finally moving to a new place and some serious issues came up risking to blow up the deal that freaked me out. I had to do a lot of pressure to fix things, luckily the deal has been struck  but I still need to solve a few minor issues.

For all the reasons above the mood for working wasn’t the best. However, I managed to complete at least the minimum I promised but Bluephone 6 part1, which is very important to me will be delivered in a few days from now. The March issue of the growth diary is ready and will be posted (what's left, all at once) in a few hours, I just need to postwork the renders.

Back to us, yes August my Patreon will restart, it has been already written but as one of you made me understand it is better to say one more time to warn everybody. I'm able to work once again with less problems pestering my mood and delivering more content almost each day. I will also make you choose if you want a new summer special or a Miranda story for August  (either way both will be done during the next 2 months, your choice is which one you want to see first). In August will also come the new  interactive comic tier where you can watch me working and interact with me creating characters, story and growth sequences. Your collective choices via polls will decide how a character will look, will be able to steer the story and decide who and how much will she grow.  I’ll stream once per week on weekends or when it will be more comfortable for you. It is useful also if you want to learn how to use programs or to check what trick I use for some sequences and so on. Slowly we’ll create a new comic together!

Thanks for understanding and forgive me for the last month that even if it was on pause it should have content delivered more regularly. For those of you who are on vacation I hope you’ll enjoy, have fun and relax!

PS: I also forgot to post the Growth Sequence for the Growth Comic, this will be posted tomorrow (1st of August) and will be sent also to everybody via direct message so you'll receive either way if you stay with me or not. It's been done, I just need to render it.



Glad to hear your doing better


who will receive bluephone 6 part 1?